
Residential | Acreage | Sales | Auctions

About Julie Morgan-Kemp

Julie has been selling residential and acreage properties in the Nerang, Mount Nathan, Clagiraba, Guanaba and surrounding areas for over 18 years.

Julie has watched her clients change their lifestyle as their families have expanded & grown and all of the challenges that come with those changes.

Julie is a specialist with rural and town acreage properties from Mount Nathan, Clagiraba, Advancetown, Gilston, Maudsland, Guanaba and everywhere in between.

Thinking of selling? Simple changes can make huge differences to the presentation of your home. 

The Acreage Market Report  details local market conditions and how property is performing in your area.


 Julie Morgan-Kemp has received hundreds of client testimonials over the years and below is a small selection.

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